The 6 Purposeful And Magnificent Ways Of Setting Goals To Achieve Brilliant Results








Setting Goals

What exactly is a goal, you may wonder? A goal is something you set your mind to and then work diligently to achieve. However, many people find themselves stuck in the cycle of setting a goal and then struggling with procrastination."

forgetting their aims and failing to complete what they plan to set. why some are so busy with the issues of life that they forget the goal-setting plan they had, and some have given up on setting up goals due to previous circumstances. with all these situations, it becomes difficult to set up goals, however, it is necessary to set up goal setting.

Goal setting is something you should pursue and then carefully work towards the plan as desired, because the kind of life you choose to live now, or in the next (5) years depends on the goal you plan for yourself,  everything in life has to do with plan and strategy.

There are so many people out there who don't know what they want, they are just floating like balloons in the air out there changing different jobs without no goal.

Instead of just running without any direction no plans, and no particular purpose, ( go to seminars, seek advice, visit different programs on goal setting, tell some mentors or coach your target to let them know the destination you are planning on taking so that they can help select the right path for you to get there and help bring your dream Into reality). You can never know it all, without sharing some of your ideas with someone who is far more successful than you.

I'm a product of one (goal getter) before opening my blog I had other goals in mind, but I decided to kick off with my blog first, I did not do it alone, the first thing I did was to seek advice,

secondly make inquiries about blogging, thirdly ( receiving classes online on blogging, buying of books on blogging, and before you know it because I set my mind on what I want aside my other written goal here we are now, with the result of what goal is all about.


I understand how challenging it can be to feel stuck in one position simply because of the pressure to achieve certain goals. Many people struggle with this because they lack the knowledge on how to approach the goal setting process.

Setting a goal is very important and very good but the process of goal setting is more important, if you don't know the process how will you get what you want? It's best you identify the process of goal setting and then increase your chances of achieving the desired objective of your goal.


Important Of Setting A Goal.

Goal setting is the part way to direct your life, goal setting checkmate you if you are on the right track or on the wrong track. When you set a goal, you are automatically taking control of your life, the main reason for goal setting is to give you focus and draw you closer to achieving them. When you set a goal, you create a vision of what type of life you want, or the kind of business you would look like, then you start putting pressure on yourself until you get results.

Like I said goal setting is a process that has different stages.




_____ BUY BOOKS.





Here are some tips on how to set a goal.



Here are some tips on how to set a goal.

1: Write Down Your Goals.

When you put your goals into writing, they become real to you, and you are likely to be more productive when you keep seeing them, instead of vague ideas that reside in your mind and brain you start working to achieve your desired goal, your energy level to succeed become high and the only priority in your mind will be achieving your goal.

When you write down your goals put them in a place that will be visible to you, where you get to see them every day, it will help you meet up your target. There can be a probability of you forgetting the goal you want to achieve due to other activities, if you don't write it down things will go wrong.

I was once like that until I learn and oftentimes I write down my goals each day without leaving anything behind. you can do the same. this is one of the ways you set up goal setting. When you write place them on the wall, on your mirror, or on your laptop it will help you yield good results and put you in remembrance.


2: CREATE A TIMELINE. Setting goals

Time waits for no man so they say, you can't have goal setting without a time frame attached to it, for your goal setting to be achievable, there has to be a time frame, when a timeline is attached to your goal setting it hasten you to get to work, you give your goal the undivided attention it needs for you to get the result in time.

time is the most important factor in life when achieving a set goal. time helps create a sense of urgency which motivates you to stay on track until you finish your goal. When you have a particular deadline to complete a task, a timeline will help you walk towards the target with a faster approach.

when I was setting up my blog website I had a timeline attached to it, with the help of the timeline, I was so determined and had to work tirelessly to make sure I met up with the timeline, with the determination and persistence I was able to meet up with the timeline I set up for my blog. so is important to create a timeline for setting up a goal.

Note time is a FACTOR, IT WAIT FOR NO MAN, as you set up your goal work with TIME.



You need to stay motivated For you to complete your goal, the goal might not be as you thought, the road to achieving your desired goal might be rough, but you have to be progressive and consistent to achieve it.

The goal of someone changes when they fall out of motivation, for you to balance yourself to asses your progress is learning from your mistake, when you learn from your mistake most of the time the end result is not what you expect but is necessary for you to grow and move higher.

Every single Individual in life has a goal they want to accomplish but some fail to achieve it reason because of inappropriate goal setting. That is why it's advisable for anyone who is setting a goal to make plans and goal strategies for achieving a desired target,

At times try to make a scheduling plan for your weekly evaluation, measuring your progress and how far it's going. Once you see the progress going the way you want it, you will be moved and motivated to scale through till the very end this is one of the ways to set up goal setting.


I always say those who are ashamed, are not ready to seek help don't have plans for their future. you can't be ashamed when you have prospects, goals and growth in all areas to attain. when I was setting up goals for my blog,

if I was ashamed to seek help, ask questions and get guidelines this blog wouldn't have been in existence, and my goals would have been forfeited. so is important to seek help for you to grow.

You can't learn without being taught, and you must be taught by someone who knows more than you in so many ways. It's important to learn from people when moving to another phase of life, even if you are not moving, it's good to learn from people,

especially when they have more to offer, and you have more to learn, in all of these you need directions to help you grow and achieve your goal, with that is advisable to seek help.

Seeking or reaching out for help is not something that you should be ashamed of, you seek help because you want to learn and you need help. if you have a goal setting or a plan and you don't know how to go about it, it's very important to seek help,

there is no shame in asking neither is there shame in learning all that matters is the idea you get from it, work on it, improve it, and make positive use of it to achieve your goal.

However, seeking advice comes in a different form, nobody is too small to help, and two heads are better than one, note the adages.) If you truly want to be successful in setting your goal seek help, go to classes, meet up with different people, and connect with coaches and mentors.



So many people today decide on a goal but they never plan on creating an action plan, to determine how exactly they can accomplish their goal. Never be afraid to be creative about your action plan, all your action plans in your goal setting should include all the overall goals you're trying to supersede.

Write out your goal because it will seem real to you if your kind of goal is to gain more connections in the fashion industry, some of your steps could be to attend more fashion show conferences, engage more on the latest fashion updates, and attend more seminars.



Once you are sure of the goals you've set for yourself, you then convert them into smart goals.

Smart goals __ What are smart goals?

Smart goals are goals that clearly specify that you can track your progress and know when to meet your targeted goals, smart goal includes the following.

___ realistic.

___ time-bound.

___ relevant.

__ measurable.

___ Attainable.

One good thing about smart goals is that they provide you with the exact amount of target you set for yourself, and when creating a smart goal it must be ACHIEVABLE TO ACCOMPLISH.


setting up goals is very vital in accomplishing your purpose in life, with the help of a timeline attached to your goal gives you the energy to pursue your goal no matter the circumstance, and getting the result set for your goal becomes easy to achieve.





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xoxo, Denoshe
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